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Launching the "Elevating local leadership in emergencies" (ELLIE) program by Street Child of Cameroon


On Wednesday, 3rd July 2024, Saika Elisabeth Foundation (SELF) and 13 other local organizations actively participated in the successful launching of the "Elevating Local Leadership in Emergencies" (ELLIE) program in Cameroon organized by Street Child of Cameroon. The workshop aimed to address the critical need to enhance the institutional, organizational, and human resource capacities of local organizations to effectively

implement projects, particularly in emergency situations.

The primary objectives of the ELLIE program include:

  • Strengthening the capacities of 25 local organizations in Cameroon.

  • Facilitating access to funding opportunities for local partners.

  • Supporting local organizations to join and take leadership roles in UN humanitarian clusters.

Street Child provided a comprehensive overview of the project, detailing its goals, methodologies, and expected outcomes.

  • Panel Discussion: Key stakeholders engaged in a panel discussion on the importance of elevating local leadership in emergency responses. This session highlighted the challenges faced by local organizations and underscored the significance of building their capacities.

  • Development of Action Plan: Participants collaboratively developed an action plan for Street Child's localization strategy in Cameroon. This plan outlines steps to effectively integrate and support local organizations within the framework of the ELLIE program.

  • Visit to Local Partners' Stands: Participants had the opportunity to visit displays set up by local organizations, showcasing their current initiatives and capabilities.

  • Summary of Key Discussions: The workshop concluded with a summary of key discussions, highlighting actionable points such as Street Child's commitment to: Facilitating local organizations' involvement in UN humanitarian clusters.

  • Supporting local organizations in transitioning from associations to full NGOs through regulatory processes.

  • Elaborating the Organizational Development Models (ODM) to facilitate positive change and growth within the local organizations.

  • Accompanying local organizations in establishing social enterprises for the diversification of their income sources and to ensure the sustainability of the organizations.

Based on the discussions held during the workshop, the following recommendations were made to local organizations:

  • Maintain physical offices to enhance visibility and operational efficiency.

  • Ensure the presence of qualified personnel, particularly in finance, human resources, and monitoring and evaluation.

  • Foster partnerships with relevant government bodies such as delegations and councils to strengthen project implementation.

  • Inform local Divisional Officers Provide about projects to be implemented and provide them with comprehensive project reports to upon project completion.

The launching workshop for the ELLIE program served as a pivotal moment for Street

Child and its local partners in Cameroon. It set the stage for networking and collaborative efforts aimed at bolstering local capacities in emergency response and humanitarian leadership. Moving forward, Street Child remains committed to supporting

local organizations as they strive to meet humanitarian challenges in their respective

regions of operation.

Street Child will proceed with the implementation of the action plan developed during

the workshop, working closely with local partners to achieve the objectives set

forth in the ELLIE program.

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