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We believe in help to self-help

About us

Saika Elisabeth Foundation, abridged as SELF is a Cameroonian and German non-profit making humanitarian and development association, working for the benefit of disadvantaged persons and for very poor communities in developing countries, especially Cameroon.

Saika Elisabeth Foundation was founded in 2018 and legally registered in Cameroon on the 29th of December 2020 with registration number: 133/RDA/F35/ALPAS in conformity with law N ° 90/053 of 19/12/1990 on freedom of Associations in Cameroon; and also registered under the German law in Hamburg, Germany on the 5th of March 2021 with the registration number: VR 24661. The registered foundation was recognized on the 10th of December 2021 by the Hamburg tax office as a non-profit organization.


At SELF, we see direct action, help to self-help as one of the most important methods in our work; meaning that SELF works together with those in need of its help to create opportunities for them to acquire the skills they required to become self-sufficient. This is done through relevant programs in Education Support, vocational/professional training and socio-professional integration, Community Health outreach; Emergency & Humanitarian Assistance; and Environmental Protection.


Our Mission

Our mission to assist, empower, and holistically transform the lives of disadvantaged persons in Cameroon

Our aim is to help them to live independently with dignity and self-esteem and become active and productive members in the sustainable development of their local communities… as well as be an inspiration to others.

Our Vision

We envisage a more equitable society wherein every individual or community has the opportunity and capacity to sustainably meet their basic human and community needs.

Our Objectives 

• To enhance employability in local communities through provision of vocational/professional training and socio-professional integration.
• To socio-economically empower women and girls to be active and productive members in the development of their local communities.
• To improve on the health condition of rural and urban slum dwellers through a community health outreach program.
• To provide emergency humanitarian assistance to individuals and the family units weakened by either poverty, affected by human or natural disasters, disability or other tragedies
• To promote environmental protection and enhance environmental friendly practices in communities


Where we work

We work all over the national territory of Cameroon, especially in rural areas and urban slums, to reach the hardest-hit disadvantaged and vulnerable children and young people in the greatest need of our services.

Our Values

Our Core Values are: 

  • Dignity and integrity in service

  • Excellence

  • Public trust

  • Creating enabling environment for empowerment

  • Collaboration with individuals, communities, and other stakeholders.

  • Sound management of resources.


Mentorship and the strong sense of community and giving back are our two major approaches

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The most effective way of learning is by learning from others, especially those that have made mistakes that we wish to avoid or those that are exemplary and successful in their lives and whose success we wish to emulate. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. SELF strives to bring and match successful individuals in the society together with young people struggling to find their way and place in life with the hope of having these young people learn and grow from their mentors

Strong sense of community & giving back

The best form of gratitude for the life we have been given is giving back to the community and to the needy in our society. SELF has been founded because of the work of a generous woman who always believed in lending a helping hand and who also believed in the transformational power of the community. Therefore, SELF pledges to continue giving back to the society and to encourage others to give back to the society thereby promoting a strong sense of community.


Dear friends, benefactors, well-wishers and beneficiaries, I whole heartedly welcome you to the Saika Elisabeth Foundation family and idea, an idea which strongly believes that giving back to our communities in whatever way possible forms and strengthens the basis of our humanity.

My name is Terence Viban and I grew up in a small village called Nkar in the North West Province of Cameroon. As a young child I was taught the value and importance of service to others and contribution to my community by my mother and grandmother and these virtues have guided and stayed with me till this very day. I was also taught that there is nothing more reassuring than living a life of gratitude. And what better way to serve and be grateful than to extend a helping hand to those in need? At the age of 19, I left Cameroon in search of greener pastures. Many people gave to me along the way and made me who I am today, something which only further strengthened the lessons I learnt as a child.


​As I write these words to you, many different wars and acts of violence are being perpetrated against other human beings, the most prominent war being the war in Ukraine. One other such war that has been devastating the North and South West regions of Cameroon for the past fast 5 years has gone unnoticed by most of the world. This war has costs thousands of cameroonians their lives and livelihoods. Just like countless other families, my family has not been spared the violence and destruction caused by war. My father lost everything he worked for his whole life, barely escaped with his life and has been living as an internally displaced person far away from home.


Thousands of people, most of them severely traumatized and fleeing from the violent conflict have been forced to migrate from one part of the country to another. These internally displaced persons (IDPs) face enormous challenges coping in their new environment, some of them being homelessness, physical abuse and lack of opportunities.


Motivated by our beleive that each and every human being deserves to live in dignity, the Saika Elisabeth Foundation decided to commit a lot of it's resources to making life more bearable for these IDPs. I am hopeful that one day the war will be over and the time to rebuild and reconcile will come. A secondary aim of the Saika Elisabeth Foundation is to prepare youths and young people for this day.


Please join us in giving back to people less fortunate than ourselves especially those traumatized by war and forced to be refugees in their own country.


I thank you very much for stopping by and for your generosity. May the good Lord bless and reward you and your loved ones generously and abundantly. AMEN

Thousands of people, most of them severely traumatized and fleeing from the violent conflict have been forced to migrate from one part of the country to another. These internally displaced persons (IDPs) face enormous challenges coping in their new environment, some of them being homelessness, physical abuse and lack of opportunities.


Motivated by our beleive that each and every human being deserves to live in dignity, the Saika Elisabeth Foundation decided to commit a lot of it's resources to making life more bearable for these IDPs. I am hopeful that one day the war will be over and the time to rebuild and reconcile will come. A secondary aim of the Saika Elisabeth Foundation is to prepare youths and young people for this day.


Please join us in giving back to people less fortunate than ourselves especially those traumatized by war and forced to be refugees in their own country.


I thank you very much for stopping by and for your generosity. May the good Lord bless and reward you and your loved ones generously and abundantly. AMEN

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